Time Finance plc

Company Profile

Company website
Finance and Credit Services (Mortgage Finance)
Time Finance's core strategy is to provide the finance UK SMEs require to fund their businesses. It offers a multi-product range for SMEs including asset, loan, invoice and vehicle finance. While focussed on being an 'own-book' lender, the Group does retain the ability to broke-on deals where appropriate, enabling it to optimize business levels through market and economic cycles.

Investor Access

Event information

Available Research: https://www.cavendish.com/research-portal/#/portal/cavendish

If you would like to attend Time Finance’s next Investor Presentation please sign up via the link: https://www.investormeetcompany.com/time-finance-plc/register-investor

If you have any other enquiries, please get in touch at [email protected]


Financial Calendar
 Event Date
Year End31 May
Half  Year End30 November
Preliminary ResultsSeptember
Interim Results*January

* Months based on previous announcements of this kind