ProBiotix Health plc

Company Profile

Company website
Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology (Biotechnology)

Description: ProBiotix Health (AQSE: PBX) is a spin-out of OptiBiotix Health Plc. The Company was established in 2018, with the purpose to provide consumers and industry world-wide with uncompromised supply and service of safe and scientifically validated probiotic-based microbiome product solutions for improvement of human health.

ProBiotix Health hold a unique position within fast growing cardiovascular health segment and has become a global leader for development and marketing of finished dietary supplement and OTC probiotic based microbiome solution aiming at lowering of cholesterol and blood pressure using its principal strain, LPLDL®.

Investor Access

08 Aug
Event information
Management will hold the company’s AGM on Thursday 8 August 2024.
Offices of Peterhouse Capital Limited, 3rd Floor, 80 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6EE
Thursday 8 August 2024 at 13:30
Financial Calendar
 Event Date
Year End31 December
Half  Year End30 June
Preliminary Results28 June
Interim Results*September
AGM8 August

* Months based on previous announcements of this kind