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Feedback plc

Company Profile

Company website
Medical Equipment and Services (Medical Equipment)

Feedback plc (AIM: FDBK) provides innovative software and systems through its trading subsidiary, Feedback Medical. Feedback liberates data and knowledge from multiple healthcare IT systems and delivers better workflows to enable clinicians to communicate, collaborate and provide the best healthcare for their patients. It connects care settings with diagnostic and other relevant data to drive better, faster, safer decision that improve outcomes for patients. By linking different clinical systems together into a seamless view of the patient, Feedback can streamline patient pathways and deliver a digital health and diagnostics record across multiple care providers. Bleepa® is a communication and collaboration platform that displays clinical results at a certified and regulated quality, which enables multi-disciplinary team working and diagnostic-enhanced advice and guidance. CareLocker® is a patient-facing platform that gives patients access and control over their diagnostic and other clinical data. The Company has a number of growth opportunities domestically and internationally across a range of public and private healthcare markets including the NHS. Our highly scalable software-as-a-service (SaaS) based model is expected to provide increasing levels of revenue visibility as the Company grows its customer base.

Investor Access

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Financial Calendar
 Event Date
Year End31 May
Half  Year End30 November
Preliminary Results*September
Interim Results*February

* Months based on previous announcements of this kind